Hypnotherapy Articles
Can hypnotherapy help me with my needle phobia?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

There are thought to be several different types of needle phobia. Nicola discusses about how you can leave that fear in the past forever with hypnotherapy.
Mindful 3 Minute Check-in
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

Take a few moments to be still and congratulate yourself for remembering to give yourself this time and your attention. Begin to observe where you are, the landscape and sound scape, like a meteorologist checking the weather. Notice thoughts and feelings that arise as you contemplate your environment, simply allowing them to be whatever they […]
Mindfulness For Busy People
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in Events | 0 comments

Book Now For The Next Mindfulness Course! Are you living in the fast lane of life? Feeling stressed most of the time? Having difficulty sleeping? Suffering pain or depression? Have you considered Mindfulness as a way to manage your thoughts and explore a more compassionate way to live your one wild and precious life? Mindfulness […]
Well-being at Work with Mindfulness
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

What is Mindfulness? If you haven’t picked up the buzz around Mindfulness, it is about choosing to be aware of whatever is happening in the present moment, without judgement or analysis, just bringing your senses to the party with your full attention. What is so marvellous about that, you might ask? Read on, I will […]
Mental Health Awareness Week
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

I spent a morning with Alex Langridge last week, a Mental Health and Employment Consultant, who was handing out a leaflet on Five Ways to Well-Being. The ideas are so akin to my own way of thinking, as I use the Human Givens Framework with clients, here are the suggestions in my own words. Feeling […]