Hypnotherapy Articles
What happens when you stop smoking?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments
You have an amazing body that wants to heal, now that you are offering it the chance. Here are some of the effects you can enjoy once you are free of smoking:
- 20 minutes after the last cigarette, blood pressure returns to normal.
- 8 hours after the last cigarette, blood oxygen levels return to normal, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels reduce by half.
- 24 hours after the last cigarette, there will be no more carbon monoxide in the body, and the lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
- 48 hours after the last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell start to improve.
- 72 hours after the last cigarette, breathing becomes easier; bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
- 2-12 weeks after the last cigarette, circulation improves.
- 3-9 months after the last cigarette, coughs, wheezing and breathing problems all improve as lung function increases by up to 10 per cent.
- 1 year after the last cigarette, your risk of a heart attack has dropped to about half that of a smoker.
- 10 years after the last cigarette your risk of lung cancer has dropped to half that of a smoker.
- 15 years after the last cigarette, your risk of heart attack has dropped to the same risk as someone who has never smoked a single cigarette.
So next time you think about having a cigarette, remember what it is doing to your one and only body… and I haven’t mentioned the brown film on your teeth and your tainted breath, skin, hair and clothes!
Challenge Yourself
Contact Nicola to book your opportunity to free yourself from that old smoking habit.
Invest £150 in your future health and wealth for two smoking cessation sessions to give your body the breathing space it dreams of. Begin to challenge yourself to a fresh new start.
Are you ready to feel healthier, more energised and proud of yourself?
Source: The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General, US DHHS, 1990.