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Have you had enough? Join my Mindfulness course for some “Enoughness”!

Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in Events | 0 comments


Do you find that life can get so busy that there never seems to be enough time to get everything done: enough time for you to relax enough time to catch up with friends and family enough time to stop chasing your tail

Free! Talk on Mindfulness

Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in Events | 0 comments


How to take time out for yourself without anyone noticing. If you’ve wondered what mindfulness is all about, now is your chance to find out and experience some simple mindful practices.

Mindfulness For Busy People

Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in Events | 0 comments


Book Now For The Next Mindfulness Course! Are you living in the fast lane of life? Feeling stressed most of the time? Having difficulty sleeping? Suffering pain or depression? Have you considered Mindfulness as a way to manage your thoughts and explore a more compassionate way to live your one wild and precious life? Mindfulness […]

Walk, Talks and Mindfulness Course

Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in Events | 0 comments


This is the season when the natural world comes to life again and our senses are bombarded with colour, sunshine, birdsong, fragrance and constantly changing temperatures!

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If your are unsure whether hypnotherapy or mindfulness can help you, please enter your details and I will get back to you shortly.

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-Nicola Preston Bell