Hypnotherapy Articles
How to treat a Spider Phobia (Arachnophobia) with Hypnotherapy?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

How did that happen? I have had clients who cannot remember how their spider phobia started, and others who have a clear memory of the times their big brother chased them with a daddy-long-legs round the house, or when a spider faced them in the bath, obviously ready to do battle. If you don’t remember […]
How hypnotherapy can help overcoming fear of flying and travel anxiety?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

Hypnotherapy can help you to feel confident and relaxed in the air! Nicola has a special interest in enabling anxious clients feel relaxed and confident and discover a new energy and vitality as they build optimism and calm with each session. Narrowing down your horizons I see many clients who benefit from hypnotherapy for their […]
Anxiety and his attendants – Who are the main protagonists when anxiety creeps in and takes over?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

Anxiety has many faces, and different people experience different ways it affects their behaviour and experience of life. You might be getting headaches, feel a tightness in your chest or tummy, notice your breathing is very shallow. Your hands might shake and you might have a feeling of dread around certain situations. There might be […]
Can hypnotherapy help me with my needle phobia?
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

There are thought to be several different types of needle phobia. Nicola discusses about how you can leave that fear in the past forever with hypnotherapy.
Mindful 3 Minute Check-in
Posted by Nicola Preston Bell in General | 0 comments

Take a few moments to be still and congratulate yourself for remembering to give yourself this time and your attention. Begin to observe where you are, the landscape and sound scape, like a meteorologist checking the weather. Notice thoughts and feelings that arise as you contemplate your environment, simply allowing them to be whatever they […]