Mindfulness Based Relaxation Courses at The Clinic at Borde Hill or Sussex Osteopath & Complementary Health Clinic.
Would you like to feel calmer and more in control? Evidence shows practising mindfulness can help with pain management, anxiety, depression and improve a sense of wellbeing.*
Experience deep relaxation and strategies that help you manage your mind and emotions.
Work in a small, supportive group to get back in touch with the mind/body connections.
Develop a plan for your life that enables you to look after yourself better.
*JL Lipworth, R Burney, W Sellers, 1986. Four year follow-up of a meditation-based program for the self-regulation of chronic pain: Treatment outcomes and complianc. Clinical Journal of Pain 2(3): 159-173
Day and evening courses to be arranged, next course likely to be a daytime course. Please contact Nicola if you are interested so that she can notify you of the details.